안드레아스 아헨바흐의 작품세계 2
[1870~1910/ Date unknown]
[Andreas Achenbach,German Landscape Painter:1815~1910]
Wassermühle am Waldbach, 1872, oil on canvas, 157 x 236 cm,
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister - Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Germany - Dresden)
Moonlit Coastal Landscape with Sailing Ships (also known as Mondbeschienene Küstenlandschaft mit Segelbooten) , 1874, oil on panel, 49.5 X 61cm, Private collection
Overlying Boats in an Belgian Seaport (also known as Aufliegende Boote in einer belgischen
Hafenstadt), 1876, oil on canvas, 104 X 79 cm,Private collection
Port Entrance by Stormy Sea (also known as Hafeneinfahrt bei stürmischer See)
, 1876, oil on panel, 37 x 46 cm, Private collection
Fisherboats at the Mole (also known as Fischerboote an der Mole), 1877,
oil on canvas, 33 X 41 cm, Private collection
Steamer (also known as Dampfer), 1878, oil on panel. 60 x 72 cm,
Private collection
The Harbour of Ostend (also known as Der Hafen von Ostende), 1879,
oil on canvas, 66 x 90 cm, Private collection
Storm on the Sea, (also known as Sturm auf dem Meer), 1881,
oil on canvas, 66 X 90 cm, Private collection
At Sea in Rough Waters, 1882, Private collection
Steamer in Stormy Sea (also known as Dampfschiff in stürmischer See),
1882, Private collectio
River Landscape with Barges (also known as Flusslandschaft mit Lastenkähnen),
1883, oil on canvas, 22.5 X 29.5 cm, Private collectio
A Night of full Moon over a Town at a River (also known as Vollmond über einer
Stadt am Fluss), 1884, oil on canvas, 31 X 26 cm, Private collection
Amsterdam Harbor Scene, 1885, oil on canvas, 54 X 64 cm, Private collectio
Boats in Stormy Sea (also known as Boote in stürmischer See), 1885,
oil on canvas, 77 X 94 cm, Private collection
Stormy Sea (also known as Stürmische See), 1885,
oil on canvas, 27 X 35.5 cm, Private collection
Fisherboats and Steam Vessels at the Pier of Ostende, 1886,
oil on canvas, 151 X 196 cm, Private collection
Storm at the Mole (also known as Sturm an der Hafenmole), 1886,
oil onpanel, 61 X 50 cm, Private collection
Lighthouse at Ostend (also known as Leuchtturm bei Ostende), ,1887, oil on canvas,
123 X 224 cm, Museum der Bildenden Künste - Leipzig (Germany - Leipzig)
Bundling Forces in Rough Seas (also known as Sich vereinende Kräfte in rauer See), 1888,
oil on panel, 80.2 X 100.6 cm, Private collection
Incoming Steamer on Roaring Sea (also known as Einlaufender
Dampfer auf tosender See), 1888, oil on canvas, 54,5 X 66 cm, Private collection
Westfalian Mill near Capenberg (also known as Westfälische Mühle nahe Capenberg),
1888, oil on canvas, 35 X 46 cm, Private collection
At the Pier (An der Mole), 1889, oil on canvas, 32 X 23.5 cm, Private collection
Landing of fishing boats, 1889, oil on canvas, 35 X 45 cm, Private collection
Boats on a Canal, Moonlight, 1890, oil on canvas, 78.4 X 95.3 cm, Private collectio
Dutch Harbour in a Storm (also known as Holländischer Hafen bei Sturm), 1890,
oil on canvas, 50.5 X 60.5 cm, Private collection
Incoming Ships (also known as Einlaufende Schiffe), 1890,
oil on canvas, 106 X 81 cm, Private collection
A Moored Steamer at a Busy Quay, 1890, oil on canvas, 81 X 105 cm,
Private collection
Nightly Coastal Landscape with Fisherboats (also known as Nächtliche Küstenlandschaft mit Fischerbooten), 1890, oil on panel, 35 X 45.5 cm, Private collection
Steam Ship and Sailing Boat in Rough Seas, 1890, oil on canvas, Private collection
Wide Riverlandscape with Fisherboats (also known as Weite Flußlandschaft mit
Fischerbooten), 1891, oil on panel, 21 x 27 cm, Private collection
Return to the Harbor in Rough Seas, 1893,
oil on panel, 48.26 x 60.96 cm, Private collection
Seascape, 1894, Kunstmuseum Basel (Switzerland - Basel)
Seascape, 1894, Kunstmuseum Basel (Switzerland - Basel)
Stormy Sea (also known as Stürmische See), 1894,
oil on panel, 46 x35.5 cm, Private collection
Arrival at the Mole by Stormy Sea (also known as Ankunft an der
Mole bei stürmischer See), 1895, oil on panel, 100 x 80 cm, Private collection
Storm at the Dutch Coast (also known as Sturm an der holländischen Küste), 1896,
oil on panel, 46.5 x 37 cm, Private collection
Dutch Coast with Fisher Houses (also known as Holländische Küste mit
Fischerhäusern), 1897, oil on panel, 37.5 x 46 cm, Private collection
Dutch Girl by Stormy Coast (also known as Holländisches Mädchen vor bewegter
Meeresbrandung), 1897, oil on panel, 18 x 24 cm, Private collection
Fisher at the Beach (also known as Fischer am Strand), 1897,
oil on panel, 49.5 x 60.8 cm, Private collection
Dutch Fishing Harbour (also known as Holländischer Fischerhafen), 1898,
oil on panel, 35 x 26.5 cm, Private collection
Rough Seas at the Dutch Coast (also known as Stürmische See an der
holländischen Küste), 1898, oil on panel, 27 x 35 cm, Private collection
Stormy Breakers at the Mole (also known as Stürmische Brandung an der Mole),
1901, oil on panel, 20.8 x 27 cm, Private collection
Fisher Couple on the Beach (also known as Fischerpaar am Strand), 1901,
oil on panel, 27 x 20.7 cm, Private collection
On the Dutch Coast (also known as An der holländischen Küste), 1910,
oil on panel, 31.5 x 41 cm, Private collection
At the Mole (also known as An der Mole), Date unknown,
oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm, Private collection
At the Sicilian Coast (also known as An der Sizilianischen Küste), Date unknown,
oil on canvas, 26 x 37 cm, Private collection
Cliff Coast at Heligoland (also known as Steilküste auf Helgoland), Date unknown,
oil on panel, 45 x 36 cm, Private collection
Coastal Scene with Fishing Boat, Date unknown,
oil on canvas, 49 x 64 cm, Private collection
Fisher at the Lakeside (also known as Fischer am stimmungsvollen Seeufer),
Date unknown, oil on panel, 20.5 x 33.5 cm, Private collection
Fisherboats and Waiting Wifes at the Lighthouse (also known as Heimkehrende
Fischerboote und wartende Frauen am Leuchtturm),
Date unknown, oil on canvas, 19 x 21 cm, Private collection
Fishermen Returning, Date unknown, oil on board, 18 X 23.5 cm, Private collection
A Fishing Boat on the Beach, Date unknown, oil on canvas, 58 X 76 cm,
Private collection
Landscape with Ruins and Farmhouse (also known as Ruinenlandschaft mit Gehöft),
Date unknown, oil on canvas, 53 x 74 cm, Private collection
Landscape with Torrent (also known as Landschaft mit Wildbach), Date unknown,
oil on canvas,177.5 x 93.5 cm, Private collection
Mountain Landscape with Stream (also known as Berglandschaft mit Bach),
Date unknown, oil on canvas,48 x 66 cm, Private collection
Norwegian Landscape with Angler (also known as Norwegische Landschaft mit Angler),
Date unknown, oil on canvas, 25 x 33.5 cm, Private collection
Sailboats at Stormy Sea (also known as Segelschiffe an stürmischer Küste),
Date unknown, oil on canvas, 52 x 66 cm, Private collection
Sailing Boat Before the Coast in an Approaching Rain (also known as Segelboot vor
der Küste bei aufziehendem Regen), Date unknown, oil on panel,
26.5 x 35 cm, Private collection
Shipping in Choppy Waters (also known as Schifffahrt auf bewegter See),
Date unknown, oil on canvas, 33 x 51 cm, Private collection
Shrimp Fishermen on the Beach (also known as Krabbenfischer am Strand),
Date unknown, oil on board, 15.5 x 24 cm, Private collection
Study of Landscape in Sunset (also known as Landschaftsstudie im Abendlicht),
Date unknown, oil on cardboard, 34 x 47.5 cm, Private collection
Venice by Night (also known as Venedig bei Nacht), Date unknown,
oil on panel, 59 x 45.5 cm, Private collection
Village Fair in a Rural Area (also known as Dorffest auf dem Lande), Date unknown,
oil on canvas, 60 x 82 cm, Private collection
Watermill in the Mountains (also known as Wassermühle im Gebirge), Date unknown,
oil on canvas on wood, 45 x 34 cm, Private collection
A Winter Landscape with Hunters on the Ice, Date unknown,
oil on board, 28.6 x 39 cm, Private collection
View on the Campo San Rocco (also knon as Blick auf den Campo San Rocco),
Date unknown, Watercolor Watercolor and Gouache on Paper, 70 x 56 cm, Private collection
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[출처] 안드레아스 아헨바흐의 작품세계 2 [1870~1910/ Date unknown] |작성자 청봉 산인 이범구
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