아이바조프스키 vs 터너

2011. 7. 21. 10:33미술/ 러시아 회화 &



    Aivazovsky, Ivan 1817-1900
















































































        Joseph Mallord William Turner  1775-1851



 Giudecca, la Donna della Salute and San Giorgio/  ca. 1840s, Oil on canvas, 61 x 91.5 cm.


         이 작품은 뉴욕 록펠러 플라자에서 열렸던 크리스티 경매에서 3580만 달러(약 350억원)에 낙찰

         영국 미술품으로서는 경매 사상 최고가를 기록했다고 합니다







                Buttermere Lake- A Shower, approx. 1798, oil on canvas, Tate Gallery at London






               Fishermen at Sea (The Cholmeley Sea Piece), 1796, oil on canvas, Tate Gallery, London







               Fighting Temeraire, 1839, National Gallery at London






                    Peace- Burial at Sea, 1842, oil on canvas, Tate Gallery at London






                     Snowstorm- Steamboat off a Harbor's Mouth, 1842, National Gallery, London






                    Sunrise with Sea Monsters, 1845, oil on canvas, Tate Gallery at London






                     The Burning of the Houses of Parliament, 1834, Philadelphia Museum of Art






                   The Slave Ship, 1840, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine-Arts at Boston






                      Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus, 1829, National Gallery at London