사진. 송성영 (2016년)
Low Marks Again (1952) by Fedor Reshetnikov
Visual notes:
- the young kid on the bike is wearing black sweater pants and yellow-blue striped sweater
- the kid in the foreground is blond. The other characters are brown or black haired
- the adult woman is wearing a red apron, a hair ban, a watch
- there’s a carpet on the floor
- there’s a cabinet on the right of the picture
- the youngest kid, close to the adult woman, is sitting on a little bicycle. He smiles as he looks at the other kid
- the kid in the foreground wears a winter coat over a black smock. He wears balck shoes
- there’s a picture hanged to the wall
- there’s a table with a yellow table cloth (decorated with orange stripes)
- there’s a cookoo clock on the wall
- the girl in the background is standing up. She wears black clothes and a red scarf, as well as some black bows tied to her braids
- the look on the room in the back shows a window, a plant over the windowsill, a radiator, a painting, curtains
- a door in the background opens to another room
- there’s an object in the back (on the left respect to the kid in the foreground), that seems a record player
- walls are painted in a blueish grey color
- the scene happens in the interior of a house
- the woman looks at the child with an upset look
- 4 characthers: an adult woman, three young age persons (two male and one female)
- a dog (playful behavior)
- the kid in the foreground is holding a school bag containing books
- the kid looks sad
- the girl in the background looks at the kid in the foreground with an annoyed look
What family is represented in the picture?
Why is the girl having such an annoyed look?
What time of the day is the depicted scene?
Why does the mother look upset? Why does the little kid of the bicycle smile?
Why the painter depicted this situation?
In what kind of historical setting can we localize the scene of the painting?
What kind of feelings does the painting suggest, if any?
Reshetnikov "A 'Two' Again"
In this picture we see a bad pupil who has got a "two".
In the foreground we see the boy. He has just come home from school. He is standing in the middle of the room with his bag in his hand. He is very sad and ashamed. He cannot look his mother in the face. His mother is looking at him with reproach. Evidently it is not the first "two". She is sorry to have such a son.
His little brother is smiling. He is too little and does not understand that his mother is sorry. But he knows that it is bad to get "twos". He is glad he does not get them.
In the background we see the boy's sister. She is standing at the table. She is putting her books and exercise-books on the table. Evidently she. is going to do her homework. She is also looking at her brother with reproach.
Only the dog is glad to see the boy. But the boy does not pay attention to the dog. He is too sad. He would like to have a "five" in his record-book instead of "two"!
The picture shows how bad it is to get "twos".
아직 마무리 못 진 것들.... 그래도 쬐끔씩은 진척이 있었시요.
구름에 검정색을 섞었드니 아주 색이 지저분하게 됐네요.
칠을 첨부터 다시해야겠습니다. ㅠㅠ
링컨 자리에 지산이를 넣어서 그려봤는데, 영 안 어울립디다.
도루 원상복구 중임. ㅠㅠ
아주 조금 진척이 있시요. 눈치채지 못할 만큼.
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