
안드레아스 아헨바흐

알래스카 Ⅱ 2020. 8. 28. 19:14

안드레아스 아헨바흐의 작품세계 1


[Andreas Achenbach,German Landscape Painter:1815~1910

Andreas Achenbach​(1815~1910)


안드레아스 아헨바흐는 1815년 9월 23일 독일 카젤(Kassel)에서 태어났다.

뒤셀도르츠 미술 아카데미에서 프리드리히 빌헬름 샤도

(Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow)의

가르침을 받았고, 그눈 St Petersburg에서 공부하였으며,

이탈리아와 네덜란드, 스칸디나비아 반도를 여행했다.

그의 초기 작품은 낭만파에 가까웠으나 점점 풍경화가였던 루이스 구르리트

(Louis Guritt)에게 강한 영향을 받아 사실주의로 전환했다.

그의 주관을 철저히 배제하여 풍경을 그렸고, 풍경화 테크닉의

대가로 평가 받고 있다.



The Art Academy in Dusseldorf (also known as Die Alte Akademie in Düsseldorf), 1831,

oil on canvas, 64 X 81 cm, Museum Kunstpalast - Düsseldorf (Germany - Dusseldorf)

Erftmühle, 1834, oil on canvas, 165 X 230 cm,

Museum Kunstpalast - Düsseldorf (Germany - Dusseldorf)



Surf on a Rocky Coast, 1835, oil on canvas, 48.5 X 63 cm,

Hamburger Kunsthalle (Germany - Hamburg)



Nordic Coastal Landscape (also known as Nordische Küstenlandschaft), 1837,

oil on canvas, 47 X 63 cm, Private collection



Rowing Boat in a Harbor (also known as Ruderboot im Hafen), 1837,

oil on canvas, 47 X 63 cm, Private collection



The Storm off the Norwegian coast, 1837, oil on canvas, 179 X 272 cm,

Städelsche Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie - Frankfurt (Germany - Frankfurt)



Fisher Huts in the Dunes (also known as Fischerkaten in den Dünen), 1838,

oil on canvas, 50 X 64 cm, Private collection



Return of the Fisherboats in Stormy Sea (also known as Rückkehr der Fischerboote

auf stürmischer See), 1838, oil on canvas, 52.5 X67 cm, Private collection



Bank of the Frozen Sea - Winter Landscape,1839,oil on canvas, Private collection



Enjoyment on an Icy Dutch Canal (also known as Eisvergnügen auf einem

holländischen Kanal), 1840, oil on canvas, 27.5 X 42 cm, Private collection



Landscape in the Norwegian Mountains (also known as Norwegische Gebirgslandschaft),

1840, oil on canvas, 92 X 131.5 cm,Museum Kunstpalast - Düsseldorf (Germany)


Ship in Stormy Sea (also known as Schiff in stürmischer See), 1840.

oil on canvas, 68 X 110 cm, Private collection



Stranding Steamer at a Norwegian Coast (also known as Strandendes Dampfboot an

der norwegischen Küste), 1841, oil on canvas, 127 X 205 cm, Private collection



Landscape with Stone Ruins, 1841, oil on canvas, 34.8 X 52.3 cm,

Neue Pinakothek - Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Germany - Munich)



Woodland Scenery in Autumn (also known as Herbstliche Waldlandschaft),1841,

oil on paper on cardboard, 23.5 X 36.5 cm, private co11ection



Norwegian Mountain Landscape with a Mountain Torrent,

1843, private co11ection



Rigi Rotstock in the Lake Lucerne (also known as Rigi Rotstock im Vierwaldstättersee),

1843, oil on canvas, 26.5 X 23 cm, private co11ection


View from Bay of Naples to Vesuvius (also known as Blick über die Bucht von Neapel

auf den rauchenden Vesuv), 1845, oil on canvas, 17 X 21 cm, Private collection


Autumn Morning In The Pontine Marshes (also known as Herbstmorgen

In Den Pontinischen Sümpfen), 1846, oil on canvas, 88.9 X 130.81 cm, Private collection


Evening View over the Bay of Naples (also known as Abendlicher Blick über den

Golf von Neapel), 1846, oil on canvas, 63 X 78 cm, Private collection

Shoreline by Stormy Sea (also known as Küstenstreifen bei stürmischer See), 1846,

oil on canvas, 63 X 78 cm, Private collection


Clearing Up, Coast of Sicily, 1847, oil on canvas, 82 X 116 cm,

Walters Art Museum - Baltimore (United States - Baltimore, Maryland)


Fishing Boats in Stormy Seas (also known as Fischkutter auf stürmischer See), 1847,

oil on panel, 49 X 60.5 cm, Private collection


In Rough Waters (also known as In stürmischer See), 1847,

oil on panel, 90 X 120 cm, Private collection


Seastorm (also known as Seesturm. Fischer an felsiger Küste, ein anlandendes Boot aus

der rauhen Brandung ziehend), 1847, oil on canvas, 47 X 63 cm, Private collection



Norwegian Coast by Moonlight, 1848, oil on canvas, 26.35 X 36.83 cm,

Crocker Art Museum - Sacramento (United States - Sacramento, California)


The Ebb Tide, 1849, oil on panel, 46.2 X 68.3 cm,

The Wallace Collection - London (United Kingdom - London)


Storm on the Dutch Coast, 1849, oil on panel, 10.5 X 18.5 cm, Private collection


Winter an der holländischen Küste, 1849, oil on canvas, 43.5 X 58 cm,

Kunstmuseum Dusseldorf (Germany - Dussendorf)



Winter on the Dutch Coast, 1849, oil on canvas, 43.5 X 58 cm, Private collection


Don Quixote and Sancho Panza,1850,

oil on canvas, 52.5 X 65 cm, Private collection


Norwegian Landscape with Fox at a Mountain Torrent

(also known as Norwegische Landschaft mit Fuchs an einem Wildbach)1850,

oil on canvas, 52.5X 65 cm, Private collection



The Waterfalls of Trollhättan in Sweden (also known as Die Wasserfälle von

Trollhättan in Schweden), 1850, oil on canvas, 38 X 44.5 cm, Private collection


Italian Costal Landscape (also known as Italienische Küstenlandschaft), 1851,

oil on canvas, 67 X 91 cm, Private collection


Landscape with a Stream, 1851, oil on panel, 70 X 60 cm,

The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg (Russian Federation - St. Petersburg)


Ship in the Surf before a Rocky Coast (also known as Schiff in der Brandung

vor einer felsigen Küste), 1851, oil on canvas, 36.5 X 44.5 cm, Private collection


Course of a River in Hesse, before the Tempest (also known as Flusslauf in Hessen),

1852, oil on canvas, 40 X 57.7 cm, Private collection


The Mill, 1852, oil on panel, Royal Collection Trust (location uncertain)

(United Kingdom - London)


Whitewater in a Norwegian Forest Landscape (also known as Wildwasser in norwegischer ).

1852, oil on canvas, 77 X 107 cm, Private collection


Landscape with Watermill (also known as Landschaft mit Wassermühle), 1853,

oil on canvas, 44.5 X 58 cm, Private collection


Porto Venere at the Ligurian Sea (also known as Porto Venere am

Ligurischen Meer), 1853, oil on panel, 36 X 55 cm, Private collection



Sunset after a Storm on the Coast of Sicily, 1853, oil on canvas, 83.2 X 107.3 cm,

Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY (United States - New York)



A Hunter and His Dog, 1854, 55.88 X 38.1 cm, Private collection


On the Coast of Capri (also known as An der Küste von Capri), 1855,

oil on canvas, 127 X 174 cm, Private collection


A Busy Town on the Levantine Coast, 1856, oil on canvas, 109 X 86 cm, Private collection


Fisher at the Beach (also known as Fischer am Strand), 1859,

oil on canvas, 31.5 X 39.5 cm, Private collection


Sea Damage at the Old Pier (also known as Havarie am alten Pier), 1861,

oil on panel, 79 X 100 cm, Private collection

Docking Sailboats at the Beach (also known as Anlandende Segelboote am Strand),

1862,oil on canvas, 100 X 127 cm,Private collection

Inshore Fishermen in Rough Sea (also known as Küstenfischer bei stürmischer See),

1863, oil on panel, 47 X 61.5 cm,Private collection​

Mountain Landscape with Torrent and Water-mill, 1864,

oil on panel, 60 X 45.5 cm,Private collection

A Fishing Boat Caught in a Squall off a Jetty, 1865,

oil on canvas, 96 X 140 cm,Private collection

Landscape with Farmhouse and Mountain Torrent (also known as Landschaft mit

Bauernhaus und Wildbach), 1865, oil on panel, 64 X 85 cm,Private collection

Landscape with Watermill, 1865, oil on canvas, 54.5 X 46 cm,

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud (Germany - Cologne)

Mill on the Creek, 1865, oil on panel, Private collection


Landscape with River (also known as Landschaft mit Fluß), 1866, oil on canvas,

The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg (Russian Federation - St. Petersburg)

Mountain Landscape, 1866, oil on canvas, 42 X 59 cm,

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud (Germany - Cologne)

Evening Mood in a Dutch Harbour (also known as Abendstimmung in einem holländischen Hafen

(Dordrecht?)), 1867, oil on canvas, 51.5 X 78 cm, Private collection

At the Torrent (also known as Am Wildbach), 1868,

oil on panel, 26.8 X 36.7 cm, Private collection

Landscape in Hessen, 1868, oil on panel, 52 X 78 cm, Private collection

The Watermill, 1868, oil on canvas, Private collection

A Fishing Boat and a Steamer in Rough Seas, 1869.

oil on canvas, 71.5 X 101 cm, Private collection

Westphalian Mill, 1869, oil on canvas, 71 X 101.7 cm,

Museum der Bildenden Künste - Leipzig (Germany - Leipzig)



Departure of a Steamer in a Storm, 1870,

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud (Germany - Cologne)


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[출처] 안드레아스 아헨바흐의 작품세계 1 [1827~1870] |작성자 청봉 산인 이범구